Our Blog

Farewell Mateusz…!
John Holton writes for us to mark the occasion of the departure of our much-loved Musical Director, Mateusz Rettner, after a period of working with us for over eight years. Read on for details of his Farewell concert!

Christian Aid Week 2024
Valerie Brownridge from Christ Church Marlow URC lets us know about the events and activities they have planned to raise money for Christian Aid this year – read n to find out how to get involved!

Queen Elizabeth II - a prayer
Join us as we pray for Queen Elizabeth II, who died earlier today, and for the healing of her family and the nation who will mourn her passing.

Enterprise: Ukraine edition
Our Church magazine, Enterprise, has a very special edition about the work we’re doing to help refugees from the war in Ukraine. Read it here – and get in touch to subscribe if you want to receive more issues!

Theresa May packs boxes for the Ukraine project
Maidenhead MP, Theresa May, came to the collection centre at the United Reformed Church to meet volunteers sorting and packing vital items heading for Poland.

How to choose an avocado
Are you an avocado lover? Smashed with poached egg on toast? Or chopped in a salad?

Stepwise Experience
Stepwise is a series of workshops run by the URC to help people understand how we might lead a life of discipleship. Bob Robertson tells us about his experiences.

Modern slavery on our streets at Christmas?
The Clewer Initiative asks us this Christmas to consider if what we are seeing is forced slavery.