How to choose an avocado

Are you an avocado lover? Smashed with poached egg on toast? Or chopped in a salad? These fruits exploded onto the health and wellness scene in the UK during the 1980s. Their high vitamin content and fresh flavour has attracted health-conscious food shoppers ever since.

The problem is that monoculture of a crop like this leads to destruction of forests and excessive water usage. Farmers and communities become dependent on a single crop and if it fails, they have no alternative income.

But did you know that you can choose Fairtrade avocados? Just like Fairtrade bananas, the farmers follow Fairtrade standards for safe and fair working conditions and environmental protection. They also receive the Fairtrade minimum price, even if the market price is lower. 

So next time you want an avocado, look for the Fairtrade label (and if its not there, ask why not!)


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