Back to All Events Sunday Worship Sunday 12 May 2024 10:30 11:30 Maidenhead United Reformed Church West Street Maidenhead, England, SL6 1RL United Kingdom (map) Google Calendar ICS Once again, we’re joined in worship together today by Scott Wheeler, who has come to lead us in a time of fellowship and praise. Do stop and say hello after the service in the hall, as we gather for tea and coffee with old friends and new.
Sunday Worship Sunday 12 May 2024 10:30 11:30 Maidenhead United Reformed Church West Street Maidenhead, England, SL6 1RL United Kingdom (map) Google Calendar ICS Once again, we’re joined in worship together today by Scott Wheeler, who has come to lead us in a time of fellowship and praise. Do stop and say hello after the service in the hall, as we gather for tea and coffee with old friends and new.