Back to All Events Palm Sunday Sunday 2 April 2023 10:30 11:30 Christ Church Marlow 18 Oxford Road Marlow, England, SL7 2NL United Kingdom (map) Google Calendar ICS It’s Palm Sunday - the day where we remember the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Join us at Christ Church Marlow for this time of celebration as we prepare for Easter. The service will be led by Bob Robertson. How to get to Christ Church URC, Marlow
Palm Sunday Sunday 2 April 2023 10:30 11:30 Christ Church Marlow 18 Oxford Road Marlow, England, SL7 2NL United Kingdom (map) Google Calendar ICS It’s Palm Sunday - the day where we remember the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Join us at Christ Church Marlow for this time of celebration as we prepare for Easter. The service will be led by Bob Robertson. How to get to Christ Church URC, Marlow